Writing a Perfect Abstract: Quick Summary

Prepare an abstract that is not very long. Omit or condense lengthy examples and supporting details. The abstract should not contain specific details about the Materials & Methods that were used in the study. Ensure the…

Writing a Perfect Abstract: Completeness

Always ensure that non-standard abbreviations are defined in the abstract. If a reference is used in the abstract, then ensure that the complete citation is provided in parentheses in the sentence where it is cited.

Writing a Perfect Abstract: Completeness

Always ensure that the abstract is complete, i.e., it should stand alone without any reference to the main text. Also, it should contain keywords that would make it easily searchable in other databases. Note that the text used in the…

Writing a Perfect Abstract: Conciseness

Most journal guidelines stipulate a maximum length of around 200 to 300 words for abstracts. So, it is always advisable to keep abstracts short as most online databases cut off abstracts beyond 300 words. Also, journals may ask you to…
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