If you are a graduate student or a researcher, you definitely know the challenges involved in composing academic documents. Right from the abstract to the conclusion, every section must follow a logical structure. Using appropriate…
Breaking into the world of peer review is not an easy task! In the pursuit of excelling in both research and academia, novice or early stage researchers are constantly in search of opportunities to take on the role of a peer reviewer. With…
There were several who were overjoyed with the recent US election results, the most important one being the scientific community. Joe Biden will soon be president of the United States, and scientists the world over are breathing a…
Publishing a research is not enough these days to make a mark in academia. In academia, the reputation as a scientist depends on the quality and quantity of your publications. But it also depends on the number of citations.…
As science becomes increasingly collaborative and inter-disciplinary, researchers have to ensure that critical research is tapped in time! Research scholars who wish to publish their articles seek journals that are indexed by prestigious…
As a young researcher, every article you publish means a big deal. It takes a lot of time and effort to prepare an article for publication. If one of your papers reaches the peer review stage, you would wait anxiously for the outcome. After…
It’s D-day! Finally, years and years of hard work have paid off – the invention you were working on is a success! You are extremely eager to unwrap and reveal your "creation" to the world. You gear up to write that cutting-edge paper and…