Journals insist that accessing the supplementary material for a manuscript becomes a headache for them, mostly because they appear as broken links. Instead they prefer them in the form of repositories. Read ahead to find out why publishers…
The world is in lockdown and the way we knew life will be forever changed after the lockdown. Quarantine forced many research labs to close their doors suddenly. There is no certainty as to when they will be allowed to open again. This…
The biological sciences domain has seen a rapid growth in recent years with more and more researchers publishing and sharing their knowledge not only in journals but also in preprint platforms for the rest of the community to freely…
Graduating from high school is a day of celebration for everyone. However, it also marks the beginning of another phase of the life, in terms of academics as well as personal life. With this new beginning comes hand-in-hand the crucial step…
A researcher acquires diverse transferrable skills through their Ph.D. and postdoctoral fellowship positions. Researchers, who do not intend to pursue a career in academia, have multiple alternatives available to them. Entrepreneurship is…
Patents have two purposes: awarding rights to the inventor and preventing others from claiming ownership. In research, patents encourage innovation by ensuring that work focuses on new ideas. Patent searching can help researchers to avoid…