Bioética: abordando cuestiones sociales y éticas en la medicina y la ciencia
Bioética y principios bioéticos
Formulación y defensa de políticas
Cuestiones éticas
Recursos de información bioética
All About Research Design and Preliminary Data Collection Methods
Undertaking a research project is a huge responsibility. It requires the researcher not only to identify a research problem but also design a study to arrive at a significant solution to the research problem. There are numerous methods one…
Dealing With Fake Co-Authors: A New Publishing Problem
Recently I walked past my colleague’s office and noticed he was laughing. I asked him what was so funny.“I am reading about an authorship story of ‘Stronzo Bestiale’,” he chuckled. “Apparently, a US physicist (William Hoover) was struggling…
How to Avoid Fraudulent Image Manipulation
What is image manipulation?
Best practices for image processing
Avoiding image manipulation
Tools for detecting image manipulation
10 Common Journal Compliance Errors Made by Authors
Every day several manuscripts are submitted to the journals. However, not all of them get published. Getting a research published is one of the most important achievements of a researcher’s academic career. But every researcher must have…
What Will Happen to Research Funding in the Era of COVID-19?
With the attention of the whole world focused on COVID-19, other issues are taking a back seat. This is certainly true of the scientific community, where many are re-directing their efforts towards research into COVID-19. In some places,…
Enago Launches CLARA ― COVID-19 AI-Powered Tool for Researchers to Accelerate Scientific…
As of April 20th, Coronavirus has adversely impacted 2.43 million humans directly; the silver-lining is how this unparalleled pandemic has brought together billions in our quest for the antidote to bring COVID-19 to a halt. Given the…
Want to Publish in PLOS Journals? Here’s What You Need to Know
“Getting rejections from top tier journals is very frustrating because publication is key to getting your findings known, as well as for obtaining grants,” says Yvonne Fondufe-Mittendorf, a researcher at the University of Kentucky, USA.…