Cómo redactar una subvención de un millón de dólares
Elegir entre subvenciones y becas de investigación
Identificación de los organismos de financiación
Selección de la convocatoria de solicitudes
Escribir una propuesta de investigación impactante
Essential Checklist for Researchers About to Conclude Their Study
Manuscript drafting is one of most important stages of the publication journey. However, this doesn’t mark the end of the journey. After the manuscript is drafted, there are a few crucial stages of the publication journey. Research is a…
All About ICMJE That Medical Journal Editors Should Know
Medical research is crucial; we realize that even more so in this time of crisis of the Coronavirus attack. However, the authenticity of the research is equally important, especially when it is medical science research that we are talking…
Important Tips for Writing an Effective Conference Abstract
Academic conferences are an important part of graduate work. They offer researchers an opportunity to present their work and network with other researchers. So, how does a researcher get invited to present their work at an academic…
Useful Boolean Operators for Article Searches
Does your article search return thousands of articles, many irrelevant to your research? To increase their visibility and readership, journals index their publications on indexing databases. The indexing service acts as a database of…
Una guía para publicar con éxito en revistas científicas de primer nivel
El panorama de la publicación científica
Cómo elegir su revista objetivo
Tipos de mala conducta en la investigación
El proceso de revisión por pares
Gaining Independence in Your Postdoctoral Career
A postdoctoral scholar is an individual with a doctoral degree who is in a temporary period of academic research. This research is done under the supervision of a mentor called a postdoctoral advisor or a principal investigator. A…
Do Female Scientists Face Gender Disparity While Setting up Labs?
I still remember getting the notice that my first grant had been approved. Years of blood, sweat, and tears had finally paid off— I was going to launch my very own lab. While I had a fairly impressive resume by the time I finished my PhD, I…
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