New Portable Peer Review Policy and Its Effect on Academia
Academics understand the importance of publishing their work. Publications help researchers spread their ideas and gain recognition in their field. What some might not see is that there is a complex process that goes into publishing a…
DOAJ Survey Tracks Global Trends in Open Access Publishing
Whether or not open access is a viable model for the future is a topic of hot debate. The current standoff between Elsevier and a number of European institutions is one example of this uncertain future for academic publishing. A new survey…
Tips on Developing an Effective Undergraduate Research Program
Undergraduates can partake in research and they do so regularly. These opportunities are good for students who wish to get a taste for research. Undergraduate research projects exist in all research fields and can range from field trips and…
Top 4 Tools for Keyword Selection
Keywords play an important role in making research discoverable. It helps researchers discover articles relevant to them on different search engines and platforms. It also helps authors to reach out to their target audience and increases…
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