Tips to Tackle Procrastination

You can end up wasting a lot of time procrastinating. Procrastination leads you to a vicious cycle of postponing or canceling things. Regular procrastination can hamper your progress and negatively affect your career graph. Follow these…

Rules of Capitalization

Using too much capitalization or using it incorrectly can undermine, clutter, and confuse your writing and your reader. Follow the rules of capitalization mentioned in this info-graphic to ensure an error free manuscript. You can also read…

New Way to Block Brain Cancer

Cancer has been a threat widespread among humans since a long time and the threat is growing as a menace. The fluids present within the body are responsible for several mechanisms. However, in case of a type of brain cancer, glioblastoma,…
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    Researchers' Poll

    Which among these do you think is a significant challenge in using AI-based tools in academic writing?