When traveling through an unknown territory, we install a GPS in our car. What if we have a similar GPS installed inside our body as well? Researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have invented…
As a researcher, are you busy meeting deadlines, multi-tasking, updating yourself with advances in your field, networking with peers, and bogged down with dozens of other related activities? You need not worry any longer! With technological…
Reviewing “galley proof” involves the final proofreading of accepted manuscripts by authors prior to journal publication. Scrutinizing galley proofs carefully ensures error-free publication. Read more about galley proofs here.
Have you recently published your work in a high-impact-factor journal? If yes, then congratulations! It is a huge accomplishment and also a cause for celebration.
Clarivate Analytics and SCImago rank journals according to the number of…
Peer review is essential to ensure the quality of research that is published in academic journals. It ensures manuscript and journal quality and is, therefore, a crucial aspect of the publication cycle. Peer reviewers are at the core of…
Scientific misconduct is a constant challenge to academic research progress. Not only plagiarism, false research claims and allegations of bullying have also crept in academia. Disciplinary action against one such claim of bullying brings…
Cardiovascular diseases have affected populations across countries. Scientists have been aggressively promoting lifestyle changes, better food habits, and regular exercise. However, the risk factor still remains, with no obvious visual…
Most research articles need units. When it comes to scientific writing, style guides ask authors to use unit symbols and discourage them from spelling out the actual unit (e.g., m instead of meter). Another common dilemma that researchers…