Virtual Dog to Prevent Dog Bites

Dog bites are quite common, so are the chances of acquiring rabies, especially with such a high number of stray dogs roaming outside. In fact, a UK-based hospital recorded 6,740 dog bites in 2013 alone. Yet, we do not get any education on…

Not All Ants Work Hard!

“Too many cooks spoil the broth.” We have come across this proverb on several instances. Well, this proverb is not only applicable to humans, but also to ants! According to a paper published recently in Science, only a few fire ants…

First Person Vs. Third Person

Not being able to write in third person is a common pain point among authors. In academic writing, generally third person is preferred over first person. Sentences written in first person are considered somewhat self-serving…

Young Salmons Leap to Remove Lice!

We love watching dolphins and whales leaping in the blue ocean. But do you know why they make such leaps? To catch their food and escape from predators perhaps? This is indeed true for adult fish and other aquatic animals. But what about…

Who Vs. Whom

Researchers often get confused between the usage of “who” and “whom.” Both are pronouns but have slightly different meanings. When to use "Who" “Who” is generally used for the subject. See the below examples for a better understanding…

Comprised Vs. Comprised of

Academic writing needs to be concise. Academic or scientific writing should not contain extra words and fancy expressions just to make it lengthy. Redundancy deteriorates the meaning of the sentence. The most common error with respect…
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