I am working on cloud accounting. What should be the sample size for my study?

My topic is about impact of cloud accounting but my objectives are relating to awareness and impact. So when a person is not aware he will not be able to answer the questions relating to impact. So does all the objectives have same sample size?
Hi Ranju,
Thanks for getting in touch with us regarding your query. If we understand your query correctly, you probably need some feedback on sample size optimization. The sample size of any study is indeed very critical. If the sample size is not optimal, then the results of the study may not be valid either. Besides the size, one must also ensure that the sample represents the population that is an integral part of the study. There are some rules that need to be kept in mind while optimizing the sample size. These include effect size, type 1 error level, type 2 error level, and standard deviation. Please visit this webpage to get additional insights on sample size optimization. Best wishes for your research work!