Can you please explain about issues of plagiarism in scientific writing and how we can avoid it in research papers? In addition to that how we can improve scientific writing?

To begin with, plagiarism is a known term in the area of academic publishing. In general, there are two types of plagiarism—direct plagiarism, which involves copying the text of another author without using quotation marks or proper citation and self-plagiarism, which involves copying from one’s own previously published papers. To learn more about plagiarism in scientific writing, you can check some of the resources available on our website.
To avoid plagiarism in research papers, we must be careful while referring to text from another research paper. In case the paper belongs to another author, the text must be inserted within quotation marks and the paper correctly cited. On the other hand, when citing our own paper(s), we need to be a bit more careful, considering the fact that some researchers use this technique to boost their own citations and h-indices. Plagiarism checker tools like iThenticate can detect plagiarized content very easily. To know more, please check the resources available on our website.
To improve scientific writing, you can resort to resources available both online and offline. The following list includes resources that you might want to explore:
- Successful Scientific Writing: A Step-byStep Guide for the Biological and Medical Sciences. 2nd edition. (Janice R Matthews, John M Bowen, and Robert W Matthews. New York: Cambridge University Press; 2000. 230 pages. ISBN 0-521-78962-1.)
- Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers. 2nd edition. (Mimi Zeiger. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2000. 440 pages. ISBN 0-07-134544-2.)
- A Researcher’s Guide to Scientific and Medical Illustrations. (Mary Helen Briscoe. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1990. 209 pages. ISBN 0-387-97199-8.)
To ensure an error-free submission, you might want to avail Enago’s editing services. Please make sure you read our posts on the publication cycle. We hope these resources and services will help you address your queries in the future.