Should I attend a conference that I have been invited to?

I have been approached to attend a conference. However, I have received the email from a gmail id. They have also promised a quick turnaround for my paper. Should I attend this conference?
With the current rise in the number of predatory journals and predatory conferences, researchers are often worried about falling prey to an invitation to a predatory conference. Predatory publishers are responsible for arranging such predatory conferences. Contrary to what most academics believe, not all predatory conferences are small, poorly-organized, and organized by fly-by-night organizations. In order to ensure that they make profits, a decent organization is usually set-up. With regard to your query, it is advisable to avoid attending any conference invitation received through Gmail. As a matter of fact, we would suggest you not to respond this email as well. Generally such conference invitations come from their official email ids, ending with “.edu” and they prefer not using free email accounts. So possibly this is an invitation for a predatory conference. You can read blog articles available on Enago Academy on how to avoid predatory conferences or tips on presenting at international conferences.
Besides predatory conferences, predatory publishers also publish predatory journals which several researchers fall prey to. To get assistance on how to select journals, you can check Enago’s Journal Selection service wherein our experts will present you with the top 3-5 journals best suited to your manuscript and preferences.