Is it possible to adapt the research published in a country specific journal for international journal?

Is it possible to adapt the research published in a country specific journal for international journal?
Considering the amount of time taken by a journal to publish a research, researchers often consider publishing in a local journal as the first option, followed by publishing the same research in an international journal. However, this is not an ethical practice. Generally, a research is published only in one journal; the same study cannot be published in two journals, irrespective of the journal being country-specific or international. In fact, most of the international journals require the author to mention in their cover letter that the research article has not been submitted to any other journal. From a journal’s perspective, reviewing the same research twice by two different reviewers or editors would be considered as a waste of effort. From an authors’ perspective, the author might face the charges of self-plagiarism, which can affect a researcher’s career adversely. Also, adaptation of an already-published research to be re-published in an international journal would simply mean rephrasing the content. Rephrasing one or two sentences would not seem difficult; but rephrasing the whole manuscript may not be a feasible option. However, the most important reason of publishing a research is defied in the process, that being novelty. To make the scientific community progress, academics must continue to publish research that is novel in nature. Therefore, it is better not to adapt an already-published research to make it publishable in an international journal.
In case you are worried about any plagiarism issues in your research paper, before submitting it to the journal, please check Enago’s Plagiarism Check service. The service intends to identify the possible issues of plagiarism using iThenticate and accordingly correct them, making your manuscript submission-ready.