What would you suggest to write a robust discussion? What would you recommend to reflect on the meaning of the research in the discussion?

What would you suggest to write a robust discussion? What would you recommend to reflect on the meaning of the research in the discussion?
Enago Academy Answered question
To write a robust discussion, you must –
- Organize your discussion from general to specific information, linking your findings to the literature
- Briefly reiterate the research problem and answer all the questions discussing the problem posed in the introduction
- Use the same tense as that of the research problem mentioned in the introduction
- Give a description of the unexpected finding, followed by thorough interpretation and its possible significance with the overall study
- Identify potential limitations and weaknesses and comment on relative importance in relation to your research study
- Avoid using apologetic tone; be honest and self-critical while writing the discussion
- End with a concise summary with the implications of your research findings, irrespective of the statistical significance.
Check out this link to understand how to write an error-free discussion section: https://www.enago.com/academy/results-vs-discussion/
Enago Academy Answered question