Patent Search

I want to file a patent for a product I have developed. Where could I find a list of all the patents granted around the world? I want to make sure that this product has not been patented before.
Enago Academy restored answer
There are several resources online that give you access to the patent database. Some of these resources are:
- PATENTSCOPE by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO): This tool give you access to 77 million patent documents, which include 3.6 million published international patent applications (PCT) and patents from countries such as ARIPO, Cuba, Israel, Mexico, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, South Africa and Vietnam. Key features of this tool are flexible search syntax, automatic word stemming and relevance ranking, and graphical results.
- Espacenet patent search by the European Patent Office: This is an easy to use tool for both beginners as well as experts. It provides access to 110 million patent documents from around the world. It also helps you to machine-translate patent documents for patents that are in regional languages, track the progress of emerging technologies and track what your competitors are developing.
- Ambercite- The Patent Discovery Engine: This tool has an associated fully optimised Patent Database that can aid to find, score and rank patents, that could be missed by the conventional keyword search. The database consists of s over 100 million Patents from around 100 jurisdictions around the world. They also have a smart review functionality, that helps in sorting and filtering features to help identify the patent of your interest.
- Google Patents: Google Patents includes a database of over 87 million patent publications from 17 patent offices around the world. Additionally, it also gives access to many more technical documents and books indexed in Google Scholar and Google Books, thus giving access to other relevant researcher.
However, for most patent searches, except for certain exceptions such as Ambercite, it is absolutely essential to choose the right set of keywords. The right set of keywords will help ensure that you do not miss out on relevant information.
Enago Academy deleted answer