which journal was suitable for publication veterinary parasitology journal articles within short period of time

our research title was prevalance and associates risk factor of lung worm infection in small ruminants
Thank you for placing your query on our forum. Authors wishing to publish their research aim to publish in journals with the highest ratings. Publishing in a prestigious journal not only looks good on your CV, but may also give you better career and funding opportunities. There are journal finder tools of Elsevier, SpringerJournal etc. Enago also has an open access journal finder tool that helps find quality open access journals that are pre-vetted to protect you from predatory publishers. This free journal finder solves common issues on predatory journals, journal authenticity, and article processing fees by utilizing a validated journal index provided by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Following are the search results obtained using your manuscript title:
- Elsevier Journal Finder: https://journalfinder.elsevier.com/results?elsevierOnly=true&fieldsOfResearch=34&goldOpenAccess=true&keywords=&paperAbstract=Prevalance%20and%20associates%20risk%20factor%20of%20lung%20worm%20infection%20in%20small%20ruminants.%20&paperTitle=Prevalance%20and%20associates%20risk%20factor%20of%20lung%20worm%20infection%20in%20small%20ruminants.&subscription=true
- Springer Journal Suggester: https://journalsuggester.springer.com/
- Enago Open Access Journal Finder (OAJF): https://www.enago.com/academy/journal-finder/.
To get assistance on how to select journals, you can check Enago’s Journal Selection service wherein our experts will present you with the top 3-5 journals best suited to your manuscript and preferences.