Which of the enago journals cover mathematics/science education?

Thank you for placing your query on our forum. Unfortunately, however, we are mostly a website providing information regarding journal publishing. We do not have any journal of our own and hence might not be able to provide you with a relevant answer. However, you can check through our tool on journal finding (OAJF) that aims at enabling research scholars to find open access journals relevant to their manuscript. OAJF uses a validated journal index provided by Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) – the most trusted non-predatory open access journal directory. The free journal finder indexes over 10,700 pre-vetted journals and allows researchers to compare their paper with over 2.7 million articles and counting.
To get assistance on how to select journals, you can check Enago’s Journal Selection service wherein our experts will present you with the top 3-5 journals best suited to your manuscript and preferences.