My paper published one month before. How to give correction in it?

A published article is a scientific record and no changes can be made in the published article without publishing a corrigendum. Only exceptions wherein a corrigendum may not be necessary include minor layout changes, typos or grammatical errors, internal broken links, minor fixes in references etc. It is at the discretion of the editorial/production staff to make these fixes post-publication. Make sure you discuss this with your coauthor(s) to make sure everyone is on the same page. If they agree an error has been made, you can contact the editor and detail the nature of the error, the possible impact on the results or lack thereof, and provide the corrections. In case the editor rejects the need for a corrigendum, there’s not much you can do about that, but you could include a page on your professional site detailing the corrections you felt necessary, or possibly even upload to the preprint server if appropriate.
Enago also offers professional peer review of manuscripts within 7 days. Professional reviewers with specialized knowledge in your field of study will review your paper section by section to pinpoint areas for improvement and provide suggestions. Our experts will perform an extensive manuscript peer review. They will investigate every research element of your paper, such as soundness of study design, reporting of method, significance to field, ethical soundness, and sufficiency of data analysis. They will also provide a detailed check of journal compatibility to minimize chances of rejection.