how do I retract a submitted manuscript?

Retraction or withdrawing a submitted manuscript is not a very common occurrence. A withdrawal request can be considered to be an ethical issue and you should have appropriate justifications for clarifying the reason for withdrawal. So, before taking the decision of withdrawing the manuscript ensure that you have the appropriate documentation for the manuscript to be withdrawn.
If indeed you have taken the decision, the procedure for withdrawal would be as follows:
- You can try withdrawing the manuscript online if your journal has the option “withdrawing the paper” available on the website. Although this is the easiest way to withdraw manuscripts, all journals do not provide such options. In case the journal does not offer the withdrawal option online, you may have to contact the journal editor with a letter stating the reasons for withdrawal.
- Also, there may be a “contact the editor” option or email ID of the concerned editor available on the website. You can use it to address your withdrawal.
Generally, the procedure is followed by an acknowledgement letter from the editor. The letter may accept your request for withdrawal or ask for more information justifying the withdrawal request. In case the latter happens, you need to cooperate and respond accordingly. Also, do ensure that all the co-authors have agreed to the manuscript’s withdrawal.
In case you need help with your manuscript submission to a new journal, you can check with Enago’s Revised/ Rejected Paper Editing service which will be helpful to revise your manuscript according to the reviewer comments and submit to the same or new journal.