how to find a databaase

Can you help me to find a database for effects of corruption on economic growth and development in western Balkan countries.
Thank you for sharing your query on our forum. Literature surveys are essential while drafting manuscripts and academic databases are tools essential for literature surveys. To answer your query, here are a list of discipline-specific databases that might be helpful to you:
EconLitThis is the most important source for economic literature in scholarly journals (including book reviews), books, dissertations, and working papers. It covers accounting, capital markets, econometrics, economic forecasting, government regulations, labor economics, monetary theory, urban economics and more.
International Financial Statistics OnlineThis is the standard source of international statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance. Click on IMF Data on the top bar and then on International Financial Statistics which is listed under Popular Datasets. Users must create an account and log in to access data.
JSTORThis deals with back issues of core scholarly journals in subjects including African-American studies, anthropology, Asian studies, classics, ecology, economics, education, finance, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, population studies, sociology, and statistics. It also includes free Early-Journal Content, journals published before 1923 in the U.S. and before 1870 outside of the U.S.
World Development Indicators (WDI)World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank database for development data from officially-recognized international sources. Global Development Finance (GDF) provides external debt and financial flows statistics for countries that report public and publicly-guaranteed debt under the World Bank’s Debtor Reporting System (DRS).
Besides these, there are some databases, called multidisciplinary databases, that can be used for literature review of more than one subject. Multidisciplinary databases for literature review are always a good resource to help researchers broaden the scope of their search. These help researchers find articles related to their topic of study that have been published by lesser known journals. They can also be a good way to find international research sources. These include Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar etc. To know more about these, you can check our post available under the following link: