the journal editor commended using editorial service for language and style. what if i don’t afford to pay the charges?

i have submitted an article to a known journal and went through two rounds of peer review. besides incorporating the second round review comments, the editor have urged me to use the sage style and language editing service . i dont have a research budget and cannot afford the charges. what do you advice?
Thank you for sharing your query on our forum. Editing and proofreading are essential parts of the writing process. They help with the effectiveness of your writing style and the clarity of your ideas. Editing requires you reread your draft to check for more significant issues, including organization, paragraph structure, and content. While, when you proofread, you are focusing on finding and correcting errors in writing, grammar, and language. Often journals insist on taking professional editing services for the improvement of the manuscript but it may not be within the budget, especially for early career researchers. In such cases you can read through your manuscript after taking a break. This may be helpful in pointing out errors that you missed out previously. You can also ask your colleagues to review the manuscript and proofread it. For more tips on editing and proofreading the manuscript, you can check through the following article.