Please someone tell me if I can add both annex and appendix together in a reseerach paper? is it possible?

I am preparing a research paper that its some data needs to be moved to the annex and/or appendix. These data that are going to be moved to the annex and/or appendix are different in nature. that is, some are related to the paper findings, while others are the general data coming from literature. So. I thing these data can be moved to two sections: 1) general data to annex and 2) finding data to appendix.
Am I right?
Thank you for sharing your query on our platform. Researchers often get confused between the terms “annex” and “appendix”. Like the annex, the appendix is a supplement or attachment to a research paper but is not part of the body of the paper. It contains information that helps readers understand the thesis or it provides essential background on the research process. However, this information is too long or detailed to fit into the main text. Such information could include complex sets of graphics or tables, for example; or it could take the form of long lists of raw data, such as population figures.
Regarding your query, a research paper can have both annex and appendix sections. However, before drafting these, you need to decide whether you need either or both the sections. If the content includes mostly the data from the literature then you could possibly add them in the appendix section itself. You might not need the annex section.
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