How long do I await the “awaiting EIC decision”?

We submitted a paper to a journal roughly 3 months back, the paper remained under review for almost 2 months, after which upon enquiry to the AE, we received a reply that one review has been completed while the other is pending due to certain reasons. But, quickly after this, the status changed to “awaiting EIC decision” within 2 weeks and is stuck at that for 3 weeks. I have heard from my peers and other co-researchers and investigators, that the EIC decision should not be taking so long. Whether a long time at this status hints towards a negative outcome. And should we be writing to EIC enquiring about the status? if yes, what should be communicated and how?
It is good that you are keeping a close watch on your manuscript’s progress. From your side, your eagerness to get through the process is understandable. On the journal’s side, although slowly, but the manuscript seems to be progressing. Peer review is a crucial step through the process and since your process was run through double peer reviews, the amount of time taken could be justified. Also, please note that peer reviewers are quite busy too. Also, EIC decision could be pending because they may not have picked up the manuscript yet. Finally, delayed decision does not indicate a negative outcome. From the manuscript progress, it looks like there has been a good progress.
However, it is quite reasonable to write to the editor requesting an update on your manuscript. You could draft a reminder mail and reiterate the timelines that were followed for your submitted paper, and request for an update on the current status. Your tone of communication can be calm and humble, and you would know not to push them too much. All the best!