Can I upload my submitted research paper to a preprint repository?

Yes, you can upload your submitted manuscript to a pre-print repository. However, you would need to check with the respective journal. Some journals (especially traditional subscription journals) do not allow authors to upload their manuscripts to repositories. However, most journals these days permit authors to upload manuscripts to preprint repositories prior to peer review. Pre-print repositories are archives that contain manuscripts and studies that have not yet been peer-reviewed or published in an academic journal. The manuscripts found in pre-print repositories are screened for plagiarism, but do not undergo an editing process. Researchers can access the manuscripts, use them for their own research, and share comments. Pre-print repositories offer a more open forum for researchers to share and receive feedback on their work and the work of their peers. An article may be deposited in bioRxiv in draft or final form, provided that it concerns a relevant scientific field, the content is unpublished at the time of submission, and all its authors have consented to its deposition. Authors wishing to deposit manuscripts must first register on the site which has no charge for registration or article deposition.