What is the best tool to manage references in a manuscript?

Originally, reference managers helped researchers correctly format their citations. These tools have come a long way since then. However, with all the new options and features, deciding which citation tool works best requires background work and awareness. Among the various options available to the scientist, few common citation managers are RefWorks, Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote.
EndNote: A tool for managing and publishing bibliographies, citations, and references.
Mendeley: A tool for reference management and for collaborating and sharing your work.
Zotero: A tool for managing and organize different resources and for sharing research.
RefWorks: A tool for managing and organizing bibliographies.
Each citation manager comes with its advantages. EndNote can not only house a large number of citations but also can be customized to a great extent. Zotero is effective in housing a variety of formats and downloading resources from different databases. Mendeley, on the other hand, has the capability to manage PDFs effectively and helps in sharing documents or citations within your network. You have to choose the reference manager as per your requirements.
In case you have doubts on references and citations, you can go through the course on references and citations available on Enago Learn, wherein some key topics of the industry like the concept of citation, reference, bibliography, and annotated bibliography have been discussed.