Q&A Forum Ask question Search Order By: ActiveClear Filter 0 Votes 1 Ans How do you see the implementation of Plan S in the Middle East area? 5.75K viewsAnonymous asked March 19, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans Should I attend a conference that I have been invited to? 6.28K viewsAnonymous asked March 22, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans What style guide should I use for my manuscript? 7.61K viewsAnonymous asked March 28, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans How do you determine the methodology and design to answer the research questions? 6.77K viewsAnonymous asked April 24, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans I am planning to attend an international conference and present my work there at the end of this year. However, I am really anxious because I have never traveled abroad before. What would be some things to keep in mind before I go? 5.84K viewsAnonymous asked October 18, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans I have been recently invited to contribute to a review article. I have never written one before. How do I go about it? 5.70K viewsAnonymous asked October 18, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans Can I publish research from conference proceedings? 6.50K viewsAnonymous deleted answer May 29, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans What is the exact procedure for submitting a manuscript to a journal? 6.88K viewsAnonymous asked October 18, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans What is the ideal length of a cover letter? 6.63K viewsAnonymous asked April 11, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans I do not agree to the reviewers comments. What should I do? 6.24K viewsAnonymous deleted answer October 18, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans What sort of information is available in journal databases? Which database can be considered most reliable to identify authentic journals during journal selection? 5.79K viewsAnonymous asked October 16, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans Is there any website or tools to help you for choosing a journal to your paper based on field, your topic ? 9.14K viewsAnonymous deleted answer August 31, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans I am trying to identify a good journal for my first publication. Is there any tool that can help me select the right journal? 9.91K viewsMedha Singh answered January 12, 2018Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans How to write a lay summary? 6.29K viewsAnonymous asked October 15, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans Need guidance on drafting a press release 5.77K viewsAnonymous asked October 15, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans I want more people to know about my research. What should I do? 8.58K viewsDurgagauri Sabnis answered November 21, 2017Promotion of Published Research 0 Votes 1 Ans I want to apply for my first grant as a PI. Please give me some tips to write a successful grant proposal 6.20K viewsAnonymous asked October 14, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans How do I apply for a postdoctoral fellowship? 5.71K viewsAnonymous asked October 14, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans I am looking for assistance writing an R01 7.29K viewsAnonymous deleted answer February 11, 2019Journal Selection 0 Votes 1 Ans How should I select a journal for publishing my manuscript? 8.20K viewsDurga answered November 7, 2017Journal Selection « Previous 1 2 … 5 6 7 8 9 Next »