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Young Salmons Leap to Remove Lice!

We love watching dolphins and whales leaping in the blue ocean. But do you know why they make such leaps? To catch their food and escape from predators perhaps? This is indeed true…

Cheese Found Inside an Egyptian Pyramid

Many of us have enjoyed watching the movie The Mummy. It is indeed an epic Hollywood creation. But did we ever notice the cheese inside the tomb after it was opened in any of the…

Shy Prawns Eat More Food!

“How fast can you finish your food?” When this question was asked with respect to the animal kingdom, researchers named the crustaceans, but there is a twist in the story.…

Fruit Flies and Their Taste in Music

Music has a different effect on all of us. But what about other living organisms? Do you think they can hear music? Scientists can anwer your question, at least for flies. Did you…

Get a “New” Nose for Selfies!

Posting on social media is an essential part of our lives, and nothing can be more effective than photographs; to be more specific—smartphone selfies. But how often do people feel…
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    Researchers' Poll

    How do you usually handle peer reviewer comments?