AI in Publishing

Writing Better Is Now Easier Than Ever: Edit With Trinka AI

How AI can help with better writing Trinka Cloud Editor Trinka Auto File Edit Difference…

Understanding the Role of AI Automation and Tools in Academic Publishing

Enago is glad to announce the launch of its Global AI Survey that aims to…

Launching ‘Review Assistant’: An AI-powered Tool for Peer Reviewers

Boosting the reviewing process Search strategies for locating articles Introducing ‘Review Assistant’ Reporting high-quality reviews

How to Write an Impressive Thesis Using an AI Language Assistant

Structure of a Thesis How to Write a Thesis Statement Role of AI in Academic…

How to Prepare Submission-ready Manuscript Using AI

Role of AI in Academic Publishing Benefits to Authors and Publishers Introduction to AI tool…

‘BIG 10’ Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Life Sciences

The brigade of scientific breakthroughs and new technologies is relentless and it keeps throwing challenges.…

Artificial Intelligence – A New Team Member in Scholarly Publishing

Is there a place for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in scholarly publishing? What if it could…

Revolutionizing Research Discovery: An Interview With Sparrho

Discovering and tracking the latest research can be overwhelming tasks, even for senior researchers. With the…

Is Artificial Intelligence Good or Bad for Academic Research?

John McCarthy first coined the term “artificial intelligence” (AI) in 1956 at a conference in…

Artificial Intelligence in Research and Publishing

The term ”artificial intelligence” was introduced by John McCarthy at a conference at Dartmouth in…

Ingenta Joins the Meta AI Network: The Future of Search Engine

The research output has increased significantly over the years. According to one estimate, 2,000-4,000 papers…

Can Artificial Intelligence Fix Peer Review?

Artificial intelligence (AI) simply means a computer program that can mimic functions of the human…