DOI (digital object identifier) is an identification code for a journal article or other published works. The code was developed and introduced in 2000 by the International DOI…
Standards and guidelines are developed to set limits for safety and health issues in specific industries. These can range from those set for child growth to those set for safety…
For academics, it is very important to be able to find and access high quality and updated information related to their work. Researchers are also increasingly interested in…
With each year, the number of studies getting published in international peer-reviewed journals continues to increase. So, for any study that gets published, it is very critical…
Style guides provide guidelines for citations and references depending on the discipline. The American Psychological Association (APA) is one organization that provides the format…
Scholars and publishers of open access journals alike thrive on the constant publication and dissemination of research. At its core, journal articles represent the advancement of…
As a researcher, you probably spend a lot of time with papers—either reading the work of others or preparing your own research for submission to a journal. By one estimate, about…
During the preparation of your research article or thesis, you may choose to include figures and tables to illustrate key points. Similar to using information from a journal or…
The process of scientific research is inextricably linked to the results of published work. Scientists frequently design their own experiments based on the findings of others.…
In December 2016, Elsevier introduced a new metric for journals called CiteScore™ which is a part of Scopus—the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed…
There are plenty of methods for senior personalities to include their names in academic journals, even without participating in researches. There are also many ways to force…
What are Citation Metrics?
The extent to which a research paper or academic text is cited in other pieces of academic work such as papers, thesis, dissertations, or other texts…