Publication identifiers help in finding information on an article or publication using a set of codes. All of us have names and other identifying characteristics and titles;…
Each year, millions of books and journals are published. When researchers need to answer a question, how exactly do they find what they need? In the past, researchers used to…
Knowing a researcher’s name can be useful when trying to find research they had published. Such a search is often conducted by potential or current employers or funding agencies.…
To do research you need money and irrespective of the amount needed or the subject area, funding opportunities must be considered. Finding the right research funding for your…
We all know the scenario: Trawling through the literature databases, you come across an intriguing new article. The article promises to hold the answer to a burning question,…
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a string of letters and numbers that was initially introduced in the year 2000 and is assigned to specific information to enable various search…
The main software programs currently available to the scientific community for handling citations and manipulation of literature files are Mendeley, EndNote, ReadCube, Zotero, and…
Research in Life Sciences is based on experimental protocols. In order to answer the questions in a manuscript, researchers have to think of a biological object, which process they…
Traditionally, the concept of publishing an article was mainly centered around the academic journal. These journals set the stage for how academic research was disseminated among…
There are nearly two million articles published each year, so how will you be able to make your paper stand out and visible to other researchers? With more research being…
Behind each reach study, there are research proposals that are either rejected or accepted, conference papers, posters, PhD theses, project reports, new workflows, and endless…
In Search of Freedom!
We’ve been using keyboards since Christopher Latham Stoles developed the first QWERTY design for the typewriter in 1872, but it took another century before…