Identifying Predatory Journals

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Top 10 Tips on Identifying Predatory Journals and Conferences

Submitting your research work to predatory journals/conferences can adversely affect your research career. However, many…

May the Force Be With You—Predatory Journals Caught in Star Wars Sting

There have been some concerns that peer review is lacking in some science journals. Some…

Identifying Predatory Journals Using Evidence-based Characteristics

Academic researchers are under pressure to publish their research in order to advance at their…

Predatory Journals: Exposing the Flaws in Academic Research

Predatory journals make money by offering fast-track publication of low-quality scientific research without the hassle…

What Are the Dangers of Publishing in Hijacked Journal?

What is a Hijacked Journal? After open access lowered publishing costs, threw the peer review…

How to Identify Predatory/Fake Journals

Publish Anything for a Fee When the phenomenon of open access began over a decade ago,…

Beware of Predatory Publishers & Journals: Avoid Paying for Publication

Open access journals operate on a fee based business model. The author pays the publisher…