Imagine a graduate student writing an important paper on bioethics or psychoanalysis having a difficult time stating an idea. How can she mark this important idea? She thinks about…
Readers finish reading the entire research article only when it grabs their attention. Several factors play a critical role in capturing the readers’ attention and ensuring a high…
When we think of research articles, most of the time we think of articles that present the results of studies that took a long time to complete. Generally, these articles contain…
In part 1 & part 2 of this series, we discussed scientific nomenclature of plants, animals, and bacteria. In the final part, we will share tips to help you navigate through…
Research can be hard enough without worrying about how to use microbial nomenclature or scientific names of bacteria accurately. Writing bacteria names in a research article can be…
The format for writing scientific names of animals and plants is standardized and internationally accepted. “Scientific nomenclature” refers to various names according to a…
You've spent months or years conducting your academic research. Now it’s time to write your journal article. For some, this can become a daunting task because writing is not their…
We see these words often in written works—the italicized abbreviations that no one seems to be able to define. They are commonly used in scientific papers. We should ensure that we…
Scientists and academics seek to advance knowledge by using data to argue a point. Indeed, academic writing often seeks to express a perspective and to support it with evidence.…
In the world of book publishing, it is difficult enough for known authors to get their books published, but even harder for researchers. After all, a dissertation comprises…
It is important for researchers to decide the type of research article they are going to write and publish. The paper you write will depend mainly on the type of study conducted.…
When you conduct a study that uses samples and chemicals, your methods section usually reports such measurements. Sometimes, when numbers, ratios, or rates that are very large or…