Manuscript Drafting

Improving Research Manuscripts Using AI-Powered Insights: Enago reports for effective research communication

Language Quality Importance in Academia AI in Evaluating Language Quality Enago Language Reports Live Demo…

Beyond Spellcheck: How copyediting guarantees error-free submission

Submitting a manuscript is a complex and often an emotional experience for researchers. Whether it's…

Setting Limits and Focusing Your Study: Exploring scope and delimitation

As a researcher, it can be easy to get lost in the vast expanse of…

Breaking the Mold: Understanding free format submissions and their adoption by journals

As a researcher, should you be conducting research or worrying about formatting your paper as…

5 Tips to Write Scientific Article When You Lack Motivation

Having to write a scientific article usually requires very good focus and research. It demands…

How to Effectively Structure an Opinion Article

Opinion articles present the researcher’s viewpoints on the strengths and limitations of a scientific hypothesis…

A Crash Course on Biostatistics | Introduction

Commonly used Statistical Softwares Population and sampling Types of Graphs Survival Analysis


医薬バイオ分野における論文発表 論文の構造とその組み立て方 参考文献の検索および管理方法 データの効果的な示し方

How (and Why!) to Write Great Lay Summary

Millions of scientific articles are published every year and important scientific breakthroughs are happening daily.…

성공적인 논문 작성법 (기초편)

학술 출판 이해 연구 주제 선정 및 논문 작성법 연구 논문 구성 출처 표기법

Tips to Develop Your Academic Writing Skills

Drafting and publishing manuscripts is an integral part of every researcher's career. Although it may…

A Crash Course on Biostatistics | The Conclusion

Relative Risk and Odds Ratio Correlation and Regression Analysis Multiplicity Issues Survival Analysis