Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Cómo enviar datos complementarios para su publicación en revistas de primer nivel

Envío de datos complementarios Requisitos material complementario Consejos para presentar y citar Instrucciones para los…

How to Ensure Your Manuscript’s Originality With iThenticate

How to avoid plagiarism Similarity checking iThenticate similarity report Publishing with confidence

How to Avoid Rejections Due to Language Mistakes

Common language errors Application of English grammar Importance of professional editing Enago services for ESL…

Mejore sus posibilidades de publicación en revistas internacionales arbitradas.

Tendencias actuales Elección tema de investigación Cómo elegir la revista destino. El proceso de revisión…


如何寻找原创研究课题 快速定位目标文献的有效搜索策略 如何根据期刊指南准备手稿的对应部分 论文手稿语言润色实用技巧分享

Want to Get Your Research Published Faster? Here’s What Not to Do!

During the COVID-19 pandemic, new research is being published more quickly than ever before. Getting…

The Top Six Guidelines for Reporting Medical Research

In scientific and medical research, transparency and accuracy are vital. They boost the usability, reliability,…

A Researcher’s Guide to Preprints—Importance & Benefits to Authors

History of Preprints Benefits of Preprints Preprint Policies Future of Preprints

How to Avoid Run-on Sentences in Academic Writing

When writing a paper, are you more focused on ideas or writing style? For most…

Tips to Develop Your Academic Writing Skills

Drafting and publishing manuscripts is an integral part of every researcher's career. Although it may…

10 Tips to Draft Brief Communication

Important research findings with ground-breaking results need to be published at the earliest. These findings…

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