As children, we often have fond memories of enjoying a story at our bedside. Perhaps, we have pleasant memories of story time during our primary years of school. Even as adults, we…
Research papers are packed with information; however, not all of it needs to be included in your main paper. Although you want to share all of it, your paper should focus on only…
In academic writing, footnotes, endnotes, and headnotes provide additional information on a particular topic. They are placed in the document as a supplement to the main text.…
Publishing an article in a science journal earns its authors recognition and respect. It is a form of academic currency. This is because, traditionally, the meaning of an author…
Academic articles often include lists, which organize the material and provide the reader with a quick overview of a section. There are different ways to format lists, but some…
Publishing in academic journals remains the principal way to communicate scientific findings to the public and research community. Authorship on a manuscript is representative of…
The APA Style uses a basic author-date citation style, where cited references are then listed in an APA Style Reference List, but what happens when the names get complicated?…
Biomedical research is often based on observational studies, so it is important that all observations are carried out carefully and reported in an appropriate way to ensure that…
One of the most daunting aspects of academic writing is consistency. When drafting an article, it is easy to forget a writing rule that has been set by the publisher (for example,…
We hope that by now you are familiar with number conventions in formal writing. You can refer to Part 1 and Part 2 in this series, for a quick recap.
In this post, we will…
Continuing from the last post, here is the second post in our series of simple rules on number conventions in formal writing.
Rule #6
Spell out numbers that express the time, but…
The rules regarding numbers in writing vary among academic disciplines. The conventions within engineering, for example, may differ from those within economics. In this article, we…