プランSとcOAlition Sの概要 プランSの目的、範囲、原則 オープンアクセス オープンデータの重要性
Plan S与cOAlition S概述 Plan S的目标、范畴以及原则 了解期刊与出版商需遵行的要求 全面施行Plan S的指引提案
Plan S is a trending term in academia. With the concept of open access gaining…
You can also listen to this article as an audio recording. As researchers, publishing our…
You can also listen to this article as an audio recording. Plan S is an…
You can also listen to this article as an audio recording. Learned societies have been…
In the fourth episode of Enago Academy’s podcast, we cover a trending topic in open access publishing that…
IntechOpen announced the publication of the first title in its Women in Science 2018 Book…
Open access (OA) is a publishing model gaining in popularity. In the last five years,…
Free access to research is essential to the growth of a field. It allows all researchers –…
Not many open-access scientific journals meet the draft Plan S requirements. This initiative by European…