Open access publishing is increasingly gaining popularity as funders, research institutions, scholars, and publishers are now seeking newer avenues to make science accessible to…
In 2008, SPARC and its partners in the student community established the International Open Access Week to increase the visibility of research and the impact it has on the…
The Open Access Week, a global event promoting open access publishing is now in its ninth year—and all the efforts made during this time to support this initiative seems to have…
In this age of information overload, there are several ideas that can be considered innovative or can lead to a new scientific development. Given the extent of information that is…
In 2014, fresh out of a successful trading algorithm startup, internet entrepreneur Jesse Spaulding began to think about the academic environment in which science is conducted from…
Academic journals are generally subscribed by individual subscribers (researchers, faculty, and industry professionals) as well as institutional subscribers (usually libraries).…
The term Open Access encompasses a variety of research contributions intended for dissemination to the research community. These can be broadly classified into two types:
The open access movement offers a number of advantages to people cutting across all sections of society.
Most journals and repositories do not impose access costs on the…
The Open Access approach is on the whole complementary to traditional publishing. It utilizes both new technological developments and their wide proliferation to ease the…
In February 2013, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued a policy memorandum directing:
“Federal agencies with more than $100M in R&D…
What Is Commoditization?
In the business world, commoditization starts to occur in the latter stages of a product's life cycle (the so-called "golden years"). Consumers no longer…
Instant Availability
Researchers who are frustrated with delays in making their results available to the world as academic journals continue to work months ahead of published…