It is widely accepted that receiving funding from an organization may come with pressure to publish results that are favorable to the funder. Marion Nestle found that 156 of 168…
Publication is a critical part of the academic research life cycle. A typical research paper has a section for materials and methods. However, considering the word and style limits…
ReadCube is a reference management tool that has web, desktop, and mobile incarnations. ReadCube allows for a more interactive experience when reading academic research papers as…
PubFactory is an online publishing platform which hosts more than 1,400 journals and over 400,000 books. Along with this, it also hosts to reference works, databases, and other…
ResearchGate is an academic social network for scientists. It was built on the notion that collaborating with colleagues around the world should not be a difficult task. In order…
It has been said that the supplementary section of a paper is where data goes to die. This information is not with the main paper, isn’t subject to peer review, and tends to not…
Overleaf is an online platform powered by LaTeX. It is free and is designed with collaborative publishing and writing in mind. The service boasts of 600,000 users from 180…
Traditional ways of assessing the usefulness of published work relies on citation counts and impact factors. Plum Analytics was founded to expand the way we assess research impact.…
Kudos is an online platform focused on helping you make your research more accessible to the public. Kudos lets you track the impact of your efforts on how often your paper is…
A new agreement between the Max Planck Digital Library and the Taylor and Francis Group is set to have a significant impact on the open access landscape. Research emanating from…
Researchfish was born out of the need to accurately quantify and assess the impact of research that had been supported by grant funding. Originally conceptualized for the United…
PubPub is an open collaborative publishing tool devised by three Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) graduate students: Travis Rich, Thariq Shihipar, and David Moinina…