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Most authors are very familiar with the process of academic publication. After a researcher has prepared their…
As an academic, you rely on publications to secure and further your career. However, publishing a research is not easy. For decades, academics have questioned the way journals…
As a young researcher, in my first postdoc job, every article I published meant a big deal. As every researcher knows, just getting the article ready takes a lot of time and…
As a peer reviewer, your job is to uphold the quality of published science by ensuring that academic papers are accurate and clearly articulated. Young scientists eager to publish…
Peer review seeks to ensure scientific integrity. All good journals use peer review to decide whether or not an article is suitable for publication. Peer reviewers should be…
Peer review is the heart of the academic publishing industry and is extremely important to maintain the excellency of the published scholarly literature. However, with the rapid…
Peer Review Week 2019 is finally here! As part of our PRW 2019 special and keeping in mind the theme for the event, we are glad to present to you our podcast on ‘Challenges in…
Peer review is the most sought after process in the publishing industry. Getting your work validated from the experts in your field enhances the quality of your work. The…
Peer review plays a significant role in the publication of a manuscript. Peer review constantly undergoes changes based on the latest trends and happenings in the publishing…
Academics understand the importance of publishing their work. Publications help researchers spread their ideas and gain recognition in their field. What some might not see is that…
Although publication is a key to success in the academic world, the peer review process is not free from bias. Studies have shown that women and national minorities still face…