Peer review week was jointly initiated by ORCID, Sense About Science, Wiley, and ScienceOpen in the year 2015 to underscore the importance of peer review in maintaining the overall…
Peer review is essential to ensure the quality of research that is published in academic journals. It ensures manuscript and journal quality and is, therefore, a crucial aspect of…
Peer review is an extremely crucial aspect of the publication cycle. It helps ensure manuscript and journal quality. The process aims to provide written feedback in the form of…
Peer review is a critical part of the scholarly publishing process. Apart from their busy schedules, researchers spend countless hours in peer-reviewing manuscripts for free. This…
Life science research is going through a reproducibility crisis. Indeed, 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist’s experiments. This has prompted…
High-quality scientific manuscripts should include accurate and rigorous statistical and data analyses, allowing other researchers to reproduce the findings presented. Although…
Academic researchers publish their work in academic journals. However, the number of women publishing research is significantly lesser in comparison to men. It is well known that…
An invitation to peer review a journal article depends on a researcher’s area of expertise in the field. The handy checklist below provides a guide to researchers considering peer…
Academic publishing relies on peer review to ensure research quality. Is there bias in peer review? And if so, how does it affect academic research? A recent study examined the…
Peer review is essential to publishing quality articles. It can be difficult for editors to find reviewers for articles. Many scientists publish more articles than they review.…
Traditionally, both informal and formal peer review happens before a paper is published in a journal (or a book). However, the peer review process is struggling to do its job…
Most journals follow peer review process to assess and select manuscripts for publication. Peer reviews can provide you with information on the strengths and weaknesses of your…