In just a few short years, Publons membership has reached more than 80,000, comprising of researchers, editors, and publishers, and by December 2016, that number rose to a solid…
Nearly six months have passed since you submitted your manuscript for peer review. When it finally returns back to you, the editor informs you that the peer reviewers found your…
Peer review is one of the core activities upon which scholarly communication relies. However, the peer review process is typically closed and, as such; peer reviewers rarely…
The cancer journal, Tumor Biology, has uncovered 107 papers that had undergone a fake peer review process and retracted all of them. This retraction is the largest yet by a single…
In the last decade, ensuring appropriate assessment of valid data has become increasingly important for journals. Many journal editors lack appropriate statistical knowledge,…
Academic peer reviewers, also known as referees, are responsible for evaluating the work of researchers with a similar expertise as themselves. The peer review process serves as a…
Portable peer review is a model in which the peer review process is conducted without the involvement of the journals, detaching the referee reports from publication in a…
Peer review plays an important role in academic publishing, giving authors of research papers a validation of their work and providing readers with reliable, high-quality content.…
Across many scientific disciplines, the voluntary peer review system is strained, if not under outright siege1,2. This trend is of great concern because peer review is an essential…
Whenever we submit a manuscript to a good journal, it is carefully scrutinized by the editors and other experts in the field before being accepted. We all know how important this…
Peer review is a crucial part of scholarly communication. During this process, authors ideally receive helpful comments on the significance and novelty of their work as well as…
Although academic journal publishing has been around since the 17th century, the concept of the peer review system is relatively new as traditional peer review was only established…