As a peer reviewer, your job is to uphold the quality of published science by ensuring that academic papers are accurate and clearly articulated. Young scientists eager to publish…
Peer review is the most sought after process in the publishing industry. Getting your work validated from the experts in your field enhances the quality of your work. The…
Peer review week was jointly initiated by ORCID, Sense About Science, Wiley, and ScienceOpen in the year 2015 to underscore the importance of peer review in maintaining the overall…
Peer review is essential to ensure the quality of research that is published in academic journals. It ensures manuscript and journal quality and is, therefore, a crucial aspect of…
Peer review is an extremely crucial aspect of the publication cycle. It helps ensure manuscript and journal quality. The process aims to provide written feedback in the form of…
Academic researchers publish their work in academic journals. However, the number of women publishing research is significantly lesser in comparison to men. It is well known that…
Academic research goes through a number of stages before a successful publication. One critical stage in publishing that validates your research is the peer review process. During…
Peer review is an important part of the publishing process. Reviewers look for accuracy, timeliness, and appropriateness of the manuscript that can greatly affect the chances of…
Academic peer reviewers, also known as referees, are responsible for evaluating the work of researchers with a similar expertise as themselves. The peer review process serves as a…
Serving Two Masters
Which elements should be considered as a metric for performance as a good peer reviewer? If we look at the process from the perspective of the manuscript, a…
Increased Scrutiny of a Critical Process:
A Google search for “peer review best practices” will produce over 5,600 results, with numerous examples of detailed manuals and…
Should a Peer Reviewer Choose Honor above Money?
The peer review process has always been considered to be a proud tradition in the academic community. Experienced and highly…