I was two months into the third year of my PhD when it happened. In retrospect, I should have seen it coming. My research wasn’t going great, but I was feeling reasonably confident…
Have you ever had a mentor? Alternatively, have you ever been a mentor to others? Perhaps you are hoping to find a mentor? Whatever your chosen path, a mentor could help you to…
Peer review seeks to ensure scientific integrity. All good journals use peer review to decide whether or not an article is suitable for publication. Peer reviewers should be…
Undergraduates can partake in research and they do so regularly. These opportunities are good for students who wish to get a taste for research. Undergraduate research projects…
What is the Role of a Mentor?
In graduate schools, students often find themselves in need of guidance. This is where mentors play an important role. For example, research mentors…
Entering graduate school to complete a doctorate degree is one of the most important decisions in an academic’s research career. This decision requires a logical evaluation of…
The relationship with your advisor is one of the most crucial aspects of the doctoral training. The typical graduate student spends a lot of time worrying about what their advisor…
The advisor–graduate student relationship can a tricky one. When it is good, it’s really good. But when it’s bad, it can negatively impact the grad student’s career, and in some…
Understanding Expectations
For research supervisors, the role is assigned as part of a broader and more complex faculty role that may include teaching responsibilities,…
At some point in their career, many researchers feel that communication with their mentor is ineffective, but other researchers say that good relations with mentors are possible…
The world is changing fast and we communicate even faster. The new generation of students are used to a system in which information circulates constantly through new media that…
Isolation, anxiousness, search for perfection, researching failures, and stress—these are only some of the many problems PhD students usually cope with at some point in their…