Predatory Publishers

약탈적 출판사의 위험과 주의할 점

약탈적 출판에 관한 개요 약탈적 출판사/저널 식별하기 약탈적 저널을 피하는 모범 사례 약탈적 출판사/저널에 대응하기


ハゲタカ出版の実態について ハゲタカジャーナルの見分け方 ハゲタカジャーナルを回避するには ハゲタカジャーナルの対処法

Predatory Publishers: How to Stop Them from Hurting Us!

There is a constant rise in the number of articles published in predatory journals. Young,…

Predatory Publishing: The Cancer Continues to Spread

A predatory publisher is usually an open access journal. They charge authors article processing fees.…

Uncovering the Real Reasons Behind Beall’s Predatory Journals List Disappearing

Deciding where to publish your research is already tough enough. Even worse, some journals out…