Research Data Management

Visualizing Meta-Analysis: Advanced plots and interactive tools

Meta-analysis is a statistical method that combines data from multiple studies to provide a clear…

Systematic Literature Review Vs. Meta-Analysis: Understanding evidence synthesis

Systematic reviews also known as Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) and meta-analyses are cornerstones of evidence-based…

Research Interviews: An effective and insightful way of data collection

Research interviews play a pivotal role in collecting data for various academic, scientific, and professional…

Planning Your Data Collection: Designing methods for effective research

Planning your research is very important to obtain desirable results. In research, the relevance of…

Qualitative Vs. Quantitative Research — A step-wise guide to conduct research

A research study includes the collection and analysis of data. In quantitative research, the data…

Explanatory & Response Variable in Statistics — A quick guide for early career researchers!

Often researchers have a difficult time choosing the parameters and variables (like explanatory and response…

6 Steps to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Statistical Hypothesis Testing

You know what is tragic? Having the potential to complete the research study but not…

What Is Statistical Validity? -Understanding Trends in Validating Research Data

With an aim to understand, analyze, and draw conclusions based on the enormous data often…

How to Use Creative Data Visualization Techniques for Easy Comprehension of Qualitative Research

“A picture is worth a thousand words!”—an adage used so often stands true even whilst…

Effective Use of Statistics in Research – Methods and Tools for Data Analysis

Remember that impending feeling you get when you are asked to analyze your data! Now…

Important Tips for Managing Your Research Data

Improving research data quality Research data management Principles of data sharing and reuse Role of…

How to Conduct Field Research Study? – A Complete Guide

There is a challenge in undergoing a research which involves a vast understanding of the…