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7 Simple SEO Tips to Increase Research Paper Visibility

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to ensuring that your manuscript can be found using search…

Scientific Papers: Is Readability Declining?

Are scientific papers getting more difficult to comprehend? According to a report in BioRxiv, the…

How to Write an Abstract Within Word Limit (Part 2)

In our last article, we covered all points related to writing the best first draft…

How to Write an Abstract Within Word Limit (Part I)

What is an Abstract in a Research Paper? An abstract is a self-contained, short, and…

How to Optimize Your Abstract for Search Engines

Abstract is a back bone of your paper. It is something that will draw audience…

Does the Length of an Abstract Really Affect the Citation of Paper?

In today’s scientific landscape, the number of times a study is cited makes considerable difference…