Drafting and publishing manuscripts is an integral part of every researcher's career. Although it may seem easy to some, there are several researchers who struggle to put together…
Researchers often face challenges in choosing an appropriate career path towards the end of their Ph.D. Lack of jobs in academia, as well as a disinterest in pursuing an academic…
This checklist provides the researcher with an understanding of qualitative research. It helps the researcher through a qualitative research process by providing reminders or…
Productivity is essential to any profession. A researcher’s job comes with its own set of responsibility and challenges. However, even in the face of these challenges and…
Communication is the key to all our endeavors. Emails are the most used method of communication these days. As a budding researcher, it is mandatory to know the basic etiquettes of…
This article is an excerpt from a lecture given by my Ph.D. guide, a researcher in public health. She advised us on how to identify research gaps to pursue innovative research in…
A lot of thought, time, and effort goes into selecting the right research topic. Selecting a good research topic is the first step towards carrying out a successful and impactful…
All research studies require a range of data to analyze. Questionnaires and surveys are essential tools for gathering this necessary information. These tools can be used not only…
Free access to research is essential to the growth of a field. It allows all researchers – including those who cannot afford journal subscriptions – access to information. This…
Are you working on a new research project? We know that you are excited to start, but before you dive in, make sure your study is feasible. You don’t want to end up having to…
Efficient time management is essential at every stage of a researcher’s career. A researcher is expected to undertake several tasks such as carrying out experiments, writing…
Principal Investigators (PIs) play an important role in scientific research. They are primarily responsible for managing a team of young researchers/experienced technicians. PIs…