So, you’ve earned your PhD after years of hard work. Now what? There are many options available depending on your career goals. Of course, you most likely want to have a career…
The busy schedule of a clinician or researcher typically leaves little time for reading the latest issue of Nature. However, staying abreast of current developments in your…
Biostatistics in clinical research is important to collect, analyze, present, and interpret data. It finds applications in various fields such as epidemiology, clinical trials,…
What does being the first author (or lead author) actually mean? In most cases, especially in academic publishing, the author listed first on a published article is the one who has…
You hear it everywhere: the project was delayed and over-budget. Whether it be bridges, space shuttle launches, or federally funded science projects, poor research project…
Clinical trials are an important part of medical research and these investigations help determine how new treatments will work in human patients and also in collecting valuable…
Any process that has an element of subjectivity to it will be open to claims of bias. From Olympic figure skating judges to academic journal editors, no matter how profound the…
In academia when we consider the term “non-traditional”, the concept of a non-traditional student (NTS) comes to mind. A great deal of attention and resources have been devoted to…
The body of scientific knowledge is cumulative, and as it grows, our confidence in the classifications, explanations, and theories accumulated over time grows at a corresponding…
A recent survey was conducted asking 270 scientists what are some of the biggest problems in science. The question asked to the scientists being, “If you could change one thing…
A Valuable Resource
When you are awarded your Ph.D., it makes a clear statement in the academic community that you are qualified to conduct research of the highest caliber, either…
Justification of Performance!
Getting any research funded is hard. There has never been a blank check for research in any decade, other than perhaps during times of war when…