Tips for PhD Students & Postdocs

A Crash Course on Biostatistics | Part II

Clinical Study Designs Hypothesis Testing P-value Approach (Probability Testing) Types of Errors

Top Five Tips to Preserve Mental Health While Working From Home

One of the different ways in which the pandemic has affected us is the Work…

Why Clinical Research Is Hot Career Choice for 2021 and Beyond

Imagine waking up to the news that the vaccine you relentlessly worked upon has saved…

모든 연구자가 알아야 할, P값의 이해와 오해

연구에서 중요한 P-값의 이해 가설 테스트에서 P-값의 역할 흔히 발견되는 3가지 대표적인 P값의 오해 이를…

SCI中稿技巧: 提升研究数据的说服力

如何寻找原创研究课题 快速定位目标文献的有效搜索策略 如何根据期刊指南准备手稿的对应部分 论文手稿语言润色实用技巧分享,快速提高论文质量

Maintaining Research Productivity Amid Global Pandemic

Current scholarly publishing scenario Tips to sustain your research Maintaining ethical standards COVID-19 Rapid Review…

Tips to Present Your Scientific Poster Effectively

This article focuses on the prerequisites and tips on developing a poster/e-poster. Traditionally, scientific posters…

A Crash Course on Biostatistics | Introduction

Commonly used Statistical Softwares Population and sampling Types of Graphs Survival Analysis

A Guide to Understanding Basic Concepts in Bioinformatics

Applications of Bioinformatics Biological Databases Bioinformatics Tools Computational Biology

Why Are Registered Reports Important for Medical Research

As we know, publishing is integral to research and to the career of a scientist.…

Sustainable Research Infrastructures? What Are They?

Are you a researcher? If you are, research infrastructures are probably essential to your career…

Research Data Collection Tips While Social Distancing

The world is in lockdown and the way we knew life will be forever changed…