Completing a PhD is a very stressful albeit rewarding experience. Statistically, many scientists move to the US for postdoctoral training, predominantly in the sciences, owing to…
Choosing the right research topic is quite often a daunting task, especially for PhD students. However, developing a good research question has a positive impact on students’…
Once you finish your PhD, things may get difficult. Many factors come into play after graduation. Mostly, early career researchers vie for funding, but research data show that …
Not everyone is aware of the movement in support of open science, a term coined in 2003 by an economist. Open science tries to make publicly funded academic research more widely…
A recent Nature graduate survey of doctoral students observed high level of commitment of students to complete the PhD program against odds. However, these statistics are not…
Survival guides exist because people face challenging situations experienced by others. Those ‘others’ have survived and thus shared knowledge to those who don’t know what to do.…
Whether you are a student or a professor, your circle of friends and colleagues can be valuable to reaching your career goals. What does this mean? Should you choose your friends…
Completing a PhD course is undoubtedly one of the most fulfilling pursuits for academics. Recently, however, a new term arose: ABD (“All but Dissertation”). ABD refers to students…
An early career researcher faces a curious contradiction. On one hand, the current academic climate gives researchers better, broader, and faster access to technology and…
A PhD is the highest qualification you can have and is essential for a career in academia. However, there are many challenges to getting academic jobs as some PhDs have interest in…
You are 6-12 months from defending your PhD research dissertation. Now, you must decide among your options. Do you want to continue in research? If yes and an academic career is…
Being a postdoc isn’t easy. Despite their doctoral training and valuable research skills, these highly qualified scientists are often poorly paid and only have limited perspectives…